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Reza JR, 31 y.o.
Bandung, Indonesia [Current City & Hometown]

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Bachelor's degree


ROV Pilot / Tech

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 68.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 12, 2017
Hahaha I liked tahu bulat anyway 😂 whoaa only smoothies, that interesting I more like fruits in smoothies than eat directly. I drink juice at night now and sometimes just eat some fruits. I think the goal is not to be a real vegan but to be healthier, is that right? Oh how you start the challenge btw? I do challenge too but in exercise 😃
Reply - Conversation - Nov 7, 2017
O yeah I read about that lacto ovo pesco, but you do it all haha I think that's not vegetarian anyway :v and yeah you right I tried too and stop after 3 days lol I feel weaker and also dizzy. Now I try again lil by lil I changed cow milk to soy milk but I still eat cheese sometimes. I read a lot of articles but none of them fit with me. Fyi I also having ulcer and idk why sometimes it can relapse :(
Reply - Conversation - Nov 7, 2017
Can you share your vegan life? I want to be a vegan anyway
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Hahaha gue suka gaya loe 😂😂😂
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za, suka ol keneh teu ? laduuu pisan akun urg :p
inactive user
hiiih siapa ya? .-.
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I do like your quotation man! Nice style (Y)
inactive user
I'm fine too :) Thanks :D

Nice picture profil :)
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Hi, how are you ? :)
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