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Pang, 34 y.o.
Bangkok, Thailand [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 72.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 24, 2010
hi h are you i am houssam from Algeria (f)
inactive user
Hi pang!! =)
i'm joseph from france!!^^
nice to meet you!! =)
inactive user
you added me as a friend but you don't speak with me?? who are you?? XDD
inactive user
sweety girl....
inactive user
Thank you Pang ! You're cute :D
inactive user
I know you're busy reading the book for ur exam it will come soon but hope u also can have a good weekend. Take care of yourself my friend good night to you
inactive user
Hi Pang, I'm Tom. How's your day going?
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Yepp. Gonna be a senior this year. I can't wait to go to college, haha~ I have high hopes for college life =] hopefully it's a lot more interesting than high school
inactive user
:) Haha. I watched it in 3D at a movie theater... oh my, actually on my exact 17th birthday.
Are you a university student?
inactive user
Really? Hey, I think Avatar deserves to be watched several times! Shame on me for watching it only once xD But no worries, I'll watch it moreeeee =]

Do u own the movie as well? Wait, it did come out on DVDs, right?
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