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Noom, 34 y.o.
Bangkok, Thailand [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 24.
inactive user
Nice hearing that but I had thought that it could be simple compared to here. I have got the talent all i am lacking the platform for exposure.
inactive user
how i wish i was playing there. Here it ir different you are not treated as someone. The sports ministry injects a little amount of money. So we get nothing big from football. So how easily can one get to play there? Uganda has got a good number of players who luck where to exploit their talents.
inactive user
Never!! You even buy yourself a boot, training kit. But maybe for other top clubs in the capital city but i don't think we are up to that level. I wish i get a good club which can groom me into a good player
inactive user
yeah i like and play football for a small club here in kasese uganda
inactive user
hello you look so sportic
inactive user
เช่นกันค้า ^_^
inactive user
ขอบคุณที่เข้ามาส่อง น๊าค่ะ ^^ '
Reply - Conversation - Nov 8, 2012
i like to wach baseball, basketball, and football (not soccer).:}
Reply - Conversation - Nov 8, 2012
oh nice hobby boy.
mine are reading, watching sports, listening to music, going to the movies, and taking walks.:}
inactive user
จ้า ช่วยๆ กัน :)
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