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Nari, 40 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]


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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 173.
inactive user
Hello Nari
I'm David from England. I find your profile kinda interesting.
..and thanks for viewing my profile

Hope your ok
inactive user
Hello Nari,

Read your private message...

Long time no talk!
Reply - Conversation - Oct 5, 2008
hola! nice to meet ya.

..) what are you doing..?! alone~ haha!
inactive user
inactive user
I'd love to be your snail mail friend do you write letters?
inactive user
Good to hear :). At your job do you design or write code? I think a job that is fresh and new is awesome. Not boring all the time.
I have watched some of the Olympics. I saw some swimming, boat racing, tennis, table tennis. What about you? you can talk to me whenever you want ^^
inactive user
oooo what kinda drawings and paintings do u do?
and what does the term happy virus means? i kinda sorta dont get it lol.
and anyways praise God! lol, i havent seen 2 many christian ppl here. and ive been away from home from this month long conference. which is pretty fun and useful for my christian living
aite l8ter
inactive user
Hey, I'm here and still alive :)
What have you been doing? So quiet!
inactive user
hi nari, it's been a while ! How have you been?
inactive user
"happy virus", how interesting! Keep on spreading it! :)
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