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Hannah, 26 y.o.
Sacramento, United States [Current City]

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Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 51.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 15, 2015
Hello we have so much in common, I'd really love to talk with you sometime.
Reply - Conversation - May 31, 2015
Heyyyyy!!!! Oh my gosh, I'm so so so sorry for not ever replying to you. I have my last final tomorrow so I'll definitely get back in touch with you. Again, I'm so sorry! It's really been crazy with school.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 16, 2015
Hi Hannah,how are you doing?)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 8, 2015
Yeah; I actually have the book on my table. And you don't seem ordinary, haha. *in a good way.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 3, 2015
Oh, wow, some things in common more than I expect. Lupe, in my mind, is like the prince of conscious hip hop. I really enjoy Kanye too; and the Wittgenstein quote at the end might have been from the Tractatus (I bought the book), not sure. Neat!
inactive user
Men seriously are pigs!
I wouldn't normally post here of all places but i just have to.

this handsome guy took me out to dinner (inb4 he payed he can do what he wants, **** you)

and it was going really well we had a lot to talk about but only 5 minutes into getting our meals he leans over and pulls some chips off my plate, He holds them up and smiles like hes saying cheers and eats them.
I smiled not wanting to make the situation uncomfortable but it really was for me, then he has the audacity to do it again! AND AGAIN!!
3 times!!!!!!, Get off my plate you neanderthal. I wanted to scream that at him.
I tried to ignore it and thought maybe im just over reacting but then when i get my fish (main course) He leans over casually, cuts my fish in HALF!!! IN HALF!!! and scoops half onto his plate.
**** YOU.

Men are pigs for real
Reply - Conversation - Oct 6, 2014
Hi! How are you? My name is Anastasia. Can we be friends?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 3, 2014
How are you doing? ^^
Reply - Conversation - Oct 1, 2014
Hi :D
inactive user
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