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Khalid, 34 y.o.
Marrakesh, Morocco [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 15.
inactive user
thank youuuuu
Reply - Conversation - Jul 3, 2013
thank you so much !!! i am khalid from Tinghir . but iam now in Marrakech for finish my study at university .... how about yu what yu do
Reply - Conversation - Jul 2, 2013
Its wonderfull to hear brother inshalah khir yarabe ana mohamed from meknes live in.swedden u are welcome
barak lah fika wafi osratik wasalam alaykom
Reply - Conversation - Jun 22, 2013
Nous sommes Zakaria et Khalid, deux cousins issus d'une véritable famille berbère du désert du Maroc.
Aujourd'hui a coté de nos études a la faculté, nous dirigeons notre propre association de guide touristique familiale basée à Tinghir. Ayant travaillés avec des touristes dès notre plus jeune âge, nous avons l'expérience et les contacts pour pouvoir offrir des circuits touristiques sur mesure à ceux qui souhaitent découvrir le magie des couleurs, des sons et des sites du vrai Maroc de sa culture et ses traditions exotiques. Ce que nous proposons....... La plupart des agences touristiques proposent des circuits fixes à des prix fixes, mais nous savons par expérience que les goûts des touristes sont tous très différents, alors nous préférons tout d'abord nous entretenir avec nos clients pour connaître exactement leurs attentes afin de leur proposer le circuit correspondant à leurs envies.

Certains voyageurs restent un seul jour, d'autre parfois un mois. Certains recherchent quelques jours de repos quand d'autres préfèrent tenter l'aventure. Certains préfèrent voyager à bord de 4x4 luxueux avec climatisation, tandis que d'autre préfèrent l'expérience de voyager à dos de chameaux. Certains ont leur propre véhicule tout terrain, camping car, quand certains préfèrent visiter la région à pied, d'autres à vélo, moto ou encore en quad. Certains souhaiterons visiter les montagnes et d'autres préféreront les villes, quant aux autres ils préfèreront les palmeraies et les dunes du désert.
Nous proposons un service professionnel et personnalisé, garantissons qualité, confort et sécurité pour nos clients à des prix raisonnables. Nous pouvons proposer des visites des vallées, Draa, Tamegroute, Ouarzazate, Dades,Todgha..,le désert de Merzouga, Zagora, M'hamid,et Chegaga ........ Nous proposons également des tours de Marrakesh, Essaouira, Fez, Meknes, Tanger ,chouen et les montagnes de l'Atlas Logement et transport....... Nou
Reply - Conversation - Jun 22, 2013
We Zakaria and Khalid, two cousins ​​from a real Berber family in the desert of Morocco.
Today next to our school has the right, we run our own family tourist guide association based Tinghir. Having worked with tourists from a very young age, we have the experience and contacts to be able to offer customized tours for those who want to discover the magic of colors, sounds and sights of the real Morocco and its culture exotic traditions. What we offer ....... Most travel agencies offer fixed circuits at fixed prices, but we know from experience that the tastes of tourists are all very different, so we prefer firstly we maintain with our customers to know exactly what their expectations in order to propose corresponding to their desires circuit.

Some travelers stay one day, other times a month. Some look a few days off while others prefer to try the adventure. Some prefer to travel on luxury 4x4 with air conditioning, while other prefer the experience of traveling on camels. Some have their own all-terrain vehicle, camper, when some prefer to visit the area on foot, some by bicycle, motorcycle or quad. Some like to visit the mountains and others prefer cities, as they prefer the other palm and desert dunes.
We offer a professional and personalized service, guarantee quality, comfort and safety for our clients at reasonable prices. We offer tours of the valleys, Draa Tamegroute, Ouarzazate, Dades, Todra .. the desert of Merzouga, Zagora, M'hamid and Chegaga ........ We also offer tours of Marrakesh, Essaouira, Fez, Meknes, Tangier, and shun the Atlas Mountains Accommodation and transportation ....... We can arrange for our clients stay in a hotel, riads, Bivouac, and breakfast houses, Kasbah, camping and even sleep under the stars. As a small family agency we are not only linked to certain hotels. We can offer accommodation and tours that meet each client. We can also organize for your tour starts where you want so that it is more convenient for our customers,
Reply - Conversation - Mar 30, 2013
thank you, likewise :)
inactive user
I am trying to add you as a friend it says your not accepting no more friend requests???
Reply - Conversation - Feb 19, 2013
welcome to my profile;;
inactive user
I am interested in learning about your culture
inactive user
it must be hot in your country it's like 10 degrees here we don't use the metric system sad to say,lol But it's cold but I love the cold weather anyway. But when summer comes it gets hot, humid where I can't leave the house. I have 2 a/c's going then. I love the fall the best and summer the worst.
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