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Agnieszka, 32 y.o.


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Language practice

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 12 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 264.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 5, 2017
inactive user
sweater* :-p
inactive user
yes, I have heard lots of european complaining about snow and winter. I guess I would too if I had it every year. :-p even more because I am used to go outside anytime in the year not wearing more than jeans, shirt and maybe a swether haha
You are welcome.. polsih people( I guess I have spoken only with girls, but its not really a problem ;-) ) are nice and funny
wel, have a nice week Agnieska, hug from brazil
inactive user
ahh snow seems to be interesting. I hope I eill touch and feel it in winter in poland and other countries in europe.. I have found good friends from your country with good sense of humor and also kind people. I also have friends in ukraine, russia, turkey, moroco and other places but those I said are the best ones
that id why I wrotr you like that, in a funny way, I hope you knew that I made a joke on my message. although I really dont know snow. we habe it in oir south zone now buts its rare because winter in brazil is not colder than -5 in the coldest zone which is the south
nice to meet you and thanks for you message ;-)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 30, 2013
Witaj ! Twója stronica mi podoba. Myslę że jesteś ciekawa. I chciałbym z Tobą practicować mój polski jeśli nie masz nic przeciwko. ;))

Reply - Conversation - Nov 10, 2012
Haha, tack! : )
Reply - Conversation - Nov 1, 2012
hello :) can you be my friend?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 28, 2012
Haha yeah :p
Oh, and it's a 'she' btw ;)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 3, 2012
salut ma belle sava?
inactive user
Haha actually i can only say siemano and papa:)) im chris from hongkong!i haven been to poland!warsaw poznan lublin
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