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Kitti, 27 y.o.
Budapest, Hungary [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

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In a relationship

Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 50.
inactive user
Thank you for the message Kitti, Right now I'm doing okay. But I had some trouble to deal with. I won't go into detail for now but don't worry too much.
inactive user
inactive user
You're so beautiful, my dear sorciére! ;) :* Legyen mindenhol ez a profilképed, ez annyira jó! ^^
inactive user
thank you for supporting me Poes, much appreciated! xx
inactive user
Nice profile =^-^=
inactive user
Just be patient, my dear! :* ;) Soon... when we're celebrating my birthday :D ^^
inactive user
I will let you know! ^-^
inactive user
hahaha of course!
inactive user
you know I can't stay absent forever!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 20, 2015
Hungarian Sister ^^ whats up ? :D
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