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Suzana Terumi, 32 y.o.
São Paulo, Brazil [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 20.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 9, 2014
Hi ! :) My name is Linda, nice to meet you! I see that you're coming to Canada, that's awesome!! I've never been to the west coast myself, you are very lucky :) Have a great flight! ^_^
inactive user

How are you? How was your Christmas? Hope the weather was so much better than the 40 degrees day I had. Other than that the day was perfect. I understand why the reply was late. Christmas is a very busy time of year for my family too. Also after Christmas, my family spend a few days at our beach house with my cousins. It's awesome. We fish, play board games, cook and swim at the beach.

Canada on exchange is awesome. Are you going to be studying there at the same time?

inactive user

How are you? Do you play the piano in an orchestra ? I used to play the piano but frankly, I was terrible so I changed to singing lessons. At the moment I am in a church choir but I want to get back into a Christian Rock band.

Reply - Conversation - Feb 27, 2012
Hello Suzana!, so many changes around me, all at once and do not tell) I'm studying accounting, I like it) and the music I listen to a different, but generally the rock type Nightwish or Rammstein, but now I prefer indie performers directions
inactive user
hey, my hometown is near dresden in saxony. I m just studyin in Baden Württemberg near Stuttgart/Freiburg. I ve been here since october. I gonna go to Nz from 19th febr-18th march 2011. Just for visitin some penpals and travellin.
Thats cool, yep i like south america and would like to go there sometime soon as well.
we had exchanges student at school from chile, columbia, uruguay and argentina
Reply - Conversation - Nov 30, 2010
Sí, la paciencia y la disciplina es importante para cualquier cosa que se emprenda :) Qué vas a estudiar en la universidad?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 27, 2010
Hello there :)
Sure, I'd love to visit Brazil someday..

How are you doing?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 27, 2010
Un gusto! ^^ Dónde aprendiste lo que ya sabés de español?
Hace poco dejé de tocar el piano... no me sentía demasiado motivado últimamente. Estudiás algo?

No, no escribiste muy mal. Sólo algunos errores. See you ^^
Reply - Conversation - Nov 25, 2010
Hi! I did, in fact I was just writing to you. My net connection is erratic too and seems to have a mind of it's own.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 23, 2010
here its already 11.45 p.m
and the session starts here in july-august...and high school differs from state to northeast india session starts in february and ends by november..almost same as your's...:)
i'll be doing the same course but different college..i like being into computers acually..hehe..
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