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Saranghe1180, 35 y.o.
Brussels, Belgium [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 114.
inactive user
Cliffs Of Dover là je dis oui oui oui !
Reply - Conversation - Jul 24, 2013
Ne dit pas les mensonges, c'est sur le religion que tu bases ton avis. La biologie et l'évolution nous dit que l'homosexualité est une chose normale, qui se passe et s'est toujours passé dans la société et dans le monde animal.
Et quoi de ceux qui sont stérile? Vu qu'ils ne peuvent pas concevoir un enfant, devrions nous ôter ses droits au marriage?

Crois-tu que les homosexuels ne sont pas égales à nous?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 24, 2013
Ce n'est qu'un exemple! Tu crois que les homosexuels ne sont pas aussi importants que les hétérosexuels à cause d'un livre (Quran), mais il est évident que les livres de Harry Potter sont bcp plus justes et morals! Je ne comprends pas comment les gens peuvent encore penser que les homosexuels sont inférieurs!
Reply - Conversation - Jul 24, 2013
De la neige, de la neige!!!! :-))))
Reply - Conversation - Jul 24, 2013
Après avoir lu ton nonsense sur les forums contre les homosexuels, et ensuite sur ton profil que tu es un 'potterhead', je veux te dire que J.K Rowling a dit que le caractère de Dumbledore est homosexuel et elle l'a fait comme ça pour sensibiliser les problèmes qu'ils rencontrent. Aussi, Daniel Radcliffe est un grand partisan des droits homosexuels, si tu étais un vrai fan de Harry Potter, tu saurais les idéals qu'il représent!
inactive user
I was thinking you are Moroccan!, I said in my mind: the first time I saw a courageous Moroccan woman who know how to answer to trolls and dont let them have the last word. Now you are Algerian, it is normal since we are warriors in the blood. (Moroccan also are brave, but have a peaceful style than us).
I am a computer engineer, I am planning in Sep to go to France for mASTER 2.
Saha ramadanekoum
take care
inactive user
We have many chinese, mostly in Algiers and the west of Algeria, unfortunatly I am from the east of ALGERIA, the one that I have in my city dont even speak english.
I also wish to be able some day to visit it.
Which speciality you are studying, general marketing?
saha shorekum
inactive user
Barak allahhe fik,
I went to china for 2 weeks, in Beijing and bought there a very good materials to learn mandarin,
I started but find it very difficult, sio i decided to improve my english, go with spanish after but I still want to learn it.
Chinese by the way are amizing people, they are respectful, very kind nation, what bother me there is the materialism, their society is very oriented in that way plus they have too much poverty, the beggar bow on the land when you give him charity, I did never forget the emotion. I think they will be in the future a pure technocratic society unfortunately.
THe culture is strong, I met also muslims, I was intrested to find them, the mosque of beijing by the way is old and in a bad state, they dont have any subvention, most muslims live in the north of china, they are sophist, very peaceful and joyful.
Well, it is an amazing country ! oh most of them dont speak english and they have a big tendency for the french culture.
I hope to come back there for a long journey,
inactive user
Saha ftorek,
Are you learning mandarin?
inactive user
thank you :) how are you?
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