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Evan, 33 y.o.
Brooklyn, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 44.
inactive user
hey!!! yeah, still like but not so much now:))) now i'm fond of Evan Taubenfeld:) he is her former guitarist:) his songs are awesome:) have you heard?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 24, 2009
Yea. :) District 9, it was pretty raw! :D How about you?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 17, 2008
inactive user
Hey.. My fender is great! Love playing on it :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 24, 2007
hi! sorry i couldn\'t response sooner, but i\'m really busy with school. That stupid book, looks like every page I read, two more pages are added =P. I really can\'t go trough it. So, I checked the webpages of the universities, and I found one result; the marketing division at Columbia\'s! My tutor (does men use that word in american-english? xD) said she\'ll check out some of the university\'s programs, sometimes. Sometimes, yeah. I almost feel like she don\'t really want to =P.

About my whole studying-in-the-US \"plan\": I think it\'s really hard to do everything in English. Just imagine me on the campus; I don\'t know any American jokes, \'cause I\'m not a native speaker, I hope you know what I mean.

About your life; it sounds pretty interesting. At home we also have a Wii-console, and it\'s a real addiction! Unfortunatley (I didn\'t spell that word correctly, it\'s a pretty hard word to spell =P), we\'ve only one game: Wii-sports. I really need to call someone who convert it, so I can download games from the Internet. Sixty euro ($88) for one game is a little bit TOO expensive, in my opinion.

So, again a really long message =P.
Hope to talk to you very soon!
inactive user
i like lots of her songs!) if u want i can call them,but now i call u my favourite songs from her new album:))) \"I don\'t have to try\",\"When u\'r gone\", \"Innocence\" and \"The best **** Thing\":) what about ur fav songs?)))
inactive user
oh. that\'s cool. i think it\'s kind of cool to know someone famous lol
Reply - Conversation - Nov 21, 2007
Haha, sounds like you\'re having a really cool life =P. Weather is crap right now, no tempest yet, but cold is everywhere. No snow (don\'t think we\'re gonna get it here). Much rain. Too much. I can bath or even swim in my homework. And I stopped reading my book \"The Edge\". Right now I\'m reading Extremely Close And Incredibly Loud. It\'s set in New York, so that\'s pretty cool =P. BTW, where in new york do you live?
And could you tell me more about where you live, how you live? =D

I think I already -if I didn\'t im sorry- told you but I wanna study in New York. Do you know any university, college, school or whatever where I can study about \"marketing and sales\"?
The websites of schools and colleges in the US make me go nuts, I don\'t understand a love of it =P.
You\'d really help me if you can find me one, or maybe two (A).
inactive user
Well,,, I guess I\'ve never heard of that.
inactive user
yeah,i think so:) i see u like Avril Lavigne too!:):):) She is cool:)))
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