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Alex, 32 y.o.

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 466.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 15, 2012
Sunt bine. Ma relaxez dupa lunga perioada stresanta. Asta a fost ultimul an de liceu si am dat bacul si admiterea. Stiu *** te simti in legatura cu ,,schimbarile", desi stiu ca o sa fie bine. Ma bucur pentru tine ca ai ocazia sa inveti in statele unite. Nu pot decat sa iti urez mult succes!:*
Ti-am dat add pe facebook:D
Te imbratisez puternic!>:D<
Reply - Conversation - May 13, 2012
Hey Alex>:D< N-am mai vorbit de mult. Mi-e foarte dor de tine:*
Reply - Conversation - Feb 22, 2012
I actually just moved to a school closer to home so I'm no longer at Marquette, but I visit a lot. But while I was there I loved it, I'm sure you will too.
I'm good, how are you?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 31, 2011
Un an nou fericit,Alex!:*
inactive user
Most of the abandoned things in America have been tagged, especially toward the urban areas, it normally is that the more difficult place it is to get to, the better the tags are. Heaven spots they are called, hard to reach but easy to see. Anyway, we have a lot of storm drains around here, and I have been in a lot of them. There is sort of a big central point where they meet, it is pretty cool to see. The tunnels go on for miles.

They have catacombs here, mostly under large cathedrals and under places that have been around since colonial times. I've had a few friends go up to the Boston Catholic University and have gone down into those, some of the tunnels are used by students to get from building to building during winter, but a majority of the tunnels lead far off, not connected to the campus or church. I've heard quite a bit about the Paris catacombs, I saw this documentary, Urban Explorers: Into the Darkness, and in a part of it, they followed some explorers into the catacombs via manhole. It was very dark and a bit cramped. But they had a theater set up down there and held parties on top of hundreds of human bones. It was ridiculous.

Around here in specific are some old factories and mills. But one of my favorite places to go is an abandoned school a little bit away. I've been there multiple times, and last time I was there with friends, we found a door that (presumably) leads into the boiler room. Problem is, it is has a ridiculous amount of locks, and looks like we'd need a master key for some pad locks, or some cutters. Any place in particular you like to go to or still haven't explored all the way?
inactive user
Proper Dr Martens im not sure but you can get fake ones from new look and top shop n that for cheap ^_^ they look practically same
inactive user
hah well i spend most my times in camden market going round all the japanese shops ^_^ but theres tons of places u can go depending on what your interests are
inactive user
Hi! Actually, over the new year, my brother and I went to a few places, an abandoned central train station and a fire station were the highlights. I forgot my camera though, so that was disappointing. I see you live in France, should be a lot interesting over there. Have you went and seen anything lately?
inactive user
hehe nice to see you.. happy new year>_< hehe
inactive user
yeah, Gershwin's a legend :D played An American in Paris a few years ago. Good times

As for jazz, we mostly did crazy stuff (a la Miles Davis) or some fusion stuff. Occasionally we would get a fairly basic standard like Chameleon and just solo over everything, haha

I like a lot of old films, mostly because in my final year of high school I watched a lot of Hitchcock stuff. I like a lot of subtle films and ones with lots of layers to be interpreted... have you seen Oldboy? That is one brilliantly demented Korean film.
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