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Maria-Magdalena, 30 y.o.

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 174.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 27, 2015
I read about you.

And I'm glad you like Asia.

And you is very interesting. You look do dominant.

And I hope we can become good friends. ^^
inactive user
hallo there.
i can teach you Indonesian language.
we can do something like language exchange maybe.
messages me, if it's possible to us.
thanks a lot.
my skype id Evratnaz Nasir Muhammad
inactive user
inactive user
hey ^^
Reply - Conversation - May 4, 2015
I'm BOICE Thai . Nice to meet you. I can teach you Thai language If you want. :)
inactive user
i love your hair! mine is boring black...
inactive user
Hello ! How are you ?
inactive user
No dutch? :P
inactive user
Ahahahahahahah x'D I love food je mens pas donc ça va ahahah
inactive user
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