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Julia, 30 y.o.
Irkutsk, Russia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person
Postal pen pals


Bachelor's degree


Baikal guide, artist, tutor, translator


Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 47.
inactive user
DMC oh damn DANTE is one of my fav . game chars , he is the definition of cool , and can`t wait for DMC 5 , the last game was kinda poor only the graphics were okay but the story was uhh..what ..well thats just my opinion tho :) , anyway i have played a lots of games starting from the age of 7 , i adore story driven games ,rpg,action,fantasy,strategy: most popular titles which you probably know are : Witcher Series , Mass Effect Series , Dragon Age series , Heroes 4 , some of NFS series , Quake champions , CS 1.6(but rarely),Lineage 2 , WoW ,Tera , Aion , ArcheAge , Skyrim , Diablo 2 , TorchLight , Path of Exile , WC ,and puzzle games like MYST and Schizm and there a lot of more but atm i can`t name them all :D . Anyway i playing Dota 2 and L2 mostly now , as you can tell i also use steam to play dota 2 .
inactive user
Nu Metal thats my jam :D , Incoming GOT season 8 very soon :D and hi there you look like a fun person to talk to , btw what games do you play :)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 18, 2014
hahaha yeah ^ u ^

I study at a 2yr community college called Bergen~ It's cheaper than most colleges here ; u ;)/ My dream to be a nurse is still a reality xD
Lately I don't have any free time because I have so much research papers to write for college TT^TT)/ but if I did I usually watch anime or korean dramas xD
Reply - Conversation - Mar 22, 2014
haha I don't care~ cuz if I really did I would've dyed my hair back to it's original color a long time ago ^ u ^)b I'm not hurting anybody so who cares... but at times their harsh words do kinda hurt especially when they start talking bad about my family >.< Our goals as humans is to stand out; not blend in so they should just relax xD
Yay~ yess let's be friends~ and sure I'd love to see your photos :D
inactive user
hahaha XDD thats right~~~~lol
sorry lol im ******* lazyyyy
Reply - Conversation - Mar 1, 2014
hehe you're very welcome~
*blushes* aww you're too kind~ haha I'm very proud of my hair~ sadly people judge/hate me for it~ ; u ;)/
I would like to see your drawing sometime~ :3
I hope we can be friends ^^
Reply - Conversation - Feb 28, 2014
stay contact!! dont disappear!!
Reply - Conversation - Feb 25, 2014
- - thought u disappear
Reply - Conversation - Feb 23, 2014
Hi there :3 My name is Mokona and it's nice to meet you~
You look so pretty and cool and gaaaah~ >/////u////<
I love listening to j-rock and drawing fan art too~ but my drawings suuuuuuck xD haha
Hope you have a nice day ^ ^
inactive user
hahaha XDD
I wont watch it but if you want yuo can call me real hero ;)
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