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Jeannette Anderson, 77 y.o.
Wrangell, United States [Current City]


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Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 59.
inactive user
hi, my name is linda. I find you to be an incredible person. Alaskan bush life interests me very much. I think this state is the most beautiful place. I watch documentaries of Alaska a lot and never get tired of watching them. i'm from Pennsylvania. hope to hear from you
inactive user
Just passing through here as it were - you're having a good life !
Reply - Conversation - Jan 12, 2016
You and I are both lonely sweetness. If you would like to write me, my personal email is [email protected]
What's say we get to know each other hon?
I'd love to if your willing.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 4, 2015
That's got to be rough in the winter, teaching school - doing the commute. I'm glad you found some ways picking up some cash. As long as you have enough heat and food.
Good for DirecTV, sure makes a difference !
Reply - Conversation - Dec 3, 2015
You obviously have an internet connection up there, or is it just limited to one on the phone ?
Laptop ?
How do you make money, other than trapping ?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 8, 2015
With all the Alaskan reality shows on tv now, you have created quite a curiousity; mainly, surviving the 9 month long winter !
Fuel must be very expensive and cutting enough wood almost impossible. What about electricity and how do you get internet where you live ? Many questions.
inactive user
HI, jeannette, I see a bunch of new pictures on here. Obviously you are thriving. especially now in summer, huh. You seem to have a firm handle on life! I (almost) envy your life, Here in SoCal I have it even easier than you! A big hug to you!

I wish you good health and hope the seafood etc., continues to be plentiful, there.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 6, 2015
Amazing photos = Amazing life. May God grant you the desires of your heart.
inactive user
Hello Jeanette. We live at opposite sides of global earth. If I see you is online it mean you can not sleep. I saw your album 'Out my back door'. There are very beautiful pictures in this album. I think nature are lovely everywhere where people didn't trample it. I lived in Kazakhstan's steppe many years and very like that area. Now I have photos and memorials only. I don't write many words because I know english little. Good luck for your. So far. Vladimir.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 20, 2015
Golly, from the looks of your profile and the name woodsman shouldn't you be in Alaska? What the heck are you doing down there in Illinois? Here's hoping you're not stuck in some icky big city (:
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