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LAmelie, 28 y.o.
Innsbruck, Austria [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 61.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 14, 2015
hi Lamelie :)im sam from itan tehran and actually at the moment im searching for a language partner to train per day 10 min speaking skills:)in the other hand i can teach u and talk persian 10 min too:))
glad to see u ;)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 1, 2015
I like your profile and I`m from Iran
i can help you to learn more about Iran.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 29, 2014
You can also work for a while as a scientist or whatever and travel a lot. I've also heard a lot about some kind of travelling doctors, that sounds cool too. For example, they work and live in one country for a year, and then immediately move to another, and so on... That sounds like a perfect option for me.
For the Song Contest unfortunately. I've already been to Vienna but it was my dream to see Eurovision. :D
Reply - Conversation - Dec 28, 2014
i think you've replied on my post on your own wall, hahaha. sorry, i haven't noticed it earlier.
unfortunately, my dream job is a doctor, so i won't have the opportunity to travel a lot, but i've planned (and that's for sure) that one day i will go to the Philippines for one year and volunteer there as a doctor and help poor people and those, who were damaged during some disasters. unfortunately, philippines is often touched by natural disasters.
i can't just point one place, because every place was special in some categories. :D
for now my biggest dream was to go to vienna for the esc 2015, but tickets are pretty expensive, so i don't think i'll be able to follow my dreams. :D
Reply - Conversation - Dec 27, 2014
Yes, I wish I could just start traveling right now and never return. :)
But on the other side I would like to have a family and friends in one place someday. So I hope that my future jobs allows me to move around a lot and still earn enough money to lead a rather careless live (at least in terms of money) and gives me prospect of settling down someday, if I want to.
Whats the best place you have visited so far?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 27, 2014
travelling is one of the most fascinating hobby a human can have! :D there are always so many places to see, but unfortunately it's impossible to visit them all. :(
you're totally right! age is such a huge border for travelling. money is another border, so i hope i will be rich enough to see as much as possible in the future.
i travel a lot, i try to catch ever occasion to go somewhere. :D
Reply - Conversation - Dec 27, 2014
hey, thanks for visiting my profile! you really travel a lot, that must be exciting!
have you ever been to Poland?
how are you doing?

best greetings! :D
Reply - Conversation - Dec 27, 2014
Reply - Conversation - Jun 13, 2014
Thanks for viewing :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 8, 2014
Hai Lamelie :) Lets exchange our languange . I can teach you Malay. :)
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