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Peralea, 31 y.o.
Denver, United States [Current City]



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Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 696.
inactive user
happy birthday pretty =)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 25, 2011
that would just be sad! but i guess if i go to a good school, they'll at least let me carry packages with the mail :/
Reply - Conversation - Aug 24, 2011
oh i know that! but some people do! at least i'll be in the finance or sales department!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 24, 2011
because i want to work in a big corporation! as a manager or something.. i want my phone to be ringing all the time :D
Reply - Conversation - Aug 13, 2011
Well, I like the state. I like big cities and expensive cars etc. NYC is too populated for my liking. Also, a lot of big companies are based in california! Did i tell you i changed my major to business administration?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 9, 2011
Yea i know that sucks :( but hey, winter break is only 5 months away lol! and i'm definitely not goin anywhere all winter :D
that sounds like a good plan!
i should thank you, i typed USC instead of CSU (to check what city it is in) and it took me to the website of University of South California! i was looking for something other than UCLA and i think this might be it! :D
Reply - Conversation - Aug 7, 2011
I know right! now i know why the weather in the US has been so bad! Its cuz i left! Dont worry i'll be back in 10 days to make it better! What? earlier? nah i dont think i can do that to the Indians :/
apparently, its not fine with him. He says i can't crash at his place if i'm gonna spend 5 minutes with him :( why can't people be considerate? :D
Reply - Conversation - Aug 7, 2011
haha NO! i recently realized how awesome i am! it was a beautiful moment of self realization! i even say a light bulb glow over my head :D
ok if you insist, i'll hang out with him for like 5 minutes :D
Reply - Conversation - Aug 6, 2011
ok you got me there.
It would be fun to visit one awesome person! cuz then you'd be hanging out with that person and his awesomeness!
OH YEAH i'll ditch my friend and hang with you! sounds like a plan lol
inactive user
Hello from Korea!!
my name is Sanghyub. nice to meet you!!
I like your notes.. I wrote something like that sometimes..
I hope we can be friend!! :)
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