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Cora-Lee, 25 y.o.
Lévis, Canada [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 16.
inactive user
You are absolutely beautiful ;)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 8, 2015
Merci beaucoup !!!^^
Reply - Conversation - Mar 3, 2015
Sorry I didn't see you already posted something on my wall...

Oui, j'ai compris que est-ce que tu as écris en français. Je serais heureuse si tu peut m'aider avec mon français parce-que je vraiment veut devenir mieux en cette langue.

Ich habe gelesen, dass du auch Deutsch lernst. Gerne kann ich dir auch dabei helfen.

Kyra :)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 2, 2015
omg message me!!!!
inactive user
ok thanks
inactive user
Have you seen the Paint it White movie? I haven't yet but should I?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 11, 2015
Je serais très heureuse de parler le français avec toi et je t'aiderai avec l'italien!I'd be so glad! Bien que tu ne parles pas très bien l'italien, tu t'apercevras que il n'est pas trop difficile, et tout le monde fait des erreurs ... Comunque, anche se lo parli poco, vedrai che non è troppo difficile,e poi tutti fanno degli errori (I hope you understood what I wrote)
You're right, sending messages on Internet would be much more helpful than writing letters, as Italy is very far from Canada and it would take too long. Unluckily, I don't have Skype :/
I'm looking forward to starting this language exchange! I can't wait as I believe it'll be extremely interesting!
Thanks for telling me my name's beautiful, the last A is pronunced like the A in Rather... Strange, isn't it?
inactive user
I wish the episodes were longer
inactive user
Unfortunately, he's not a main character...
inactive user
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