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Sara, 34 y.o.
Valence, France [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 10.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 15, 2011
How are you?

I'm hoping to find someone to message in French and hopefully improve, and would really appreciate any help I can get!!

inactive user
well i have a really big family. i my older brother (Hugo) 30yrs. then it's Esteban 27 yrs. i think and then it's Jose 23 yrs. and then it's my sister Oyuki 19 yrs. And the it's the AWESOMEST persone EVER! me and i'm 16 yrs. And again i'm sorry for my late responses.
inactive user
LOL, Well hi, and i'm so sorry it's not "Turk" it's "Gus" it's just that i always get shawn and gus from Psych confused with J.D and Turk from Scrubs. I don't know if you have watched it but it's really awesome! oh btw it's "Angry" not "agry". And well i've only seen the snow when i went with my family to go visit some other family members that lives in another state (in Nevada). It was so beautiful; the snow was soft but really cold.
And how many siblings do you have?

Take Care!...(hugs)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 6, 2009
I am watching HouseMD now. We like a lot of the same television shows. :]
inactive user
Well if you were to ask me to pick a favorite show and would probably not be able casuse i LOVE them all, and i think Psych is the bomb cause i love Turk and Shawn! I love holidays specially Christmas, and to be honest i don't celebrate Halloween. And thanks for being so patient with my tardiness i've just not been keeping up. And i so want to play Guitar Hero but i never had the chance to...:(
Take Care.
inactive user
OMG!!! I've always wanted to be a forensic but i was always too scared of the animal and human tissues to get in between my meat eating habbits. Well i have a lot of favorite shows and well i haven't been playing video games much cause of time but i LOVE the racing cars. And you tell me more about you...?
(BTW) So sorry for the late response.
inactive user
well i love the beach and playing basketball i also LOVE watching tv and playing video games, and well i'm studying to be a computer enginee. So tell me about you? What do you like?
inactive user
that sounds great, thanks a lot!
inactive user
J'ai un peu fatigue, et toi?
inactive user
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