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Hth, 28 y.o.
Beijing, China [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 33.
inactive user
Hello!!!!!! !!!!!!!!
inactive user
Damn, I wanna see u little gal, my life was f**king bittersweet here>< Some relationships i had are awesome, some are as awful as shit, we have to talk someday, cuz,,,,,,i dun no, like, miss u so badly>< do i sound like a lesbo^^ lol
inactive user
How u doing ?
inactive user
Yo dude!
inactive user
buddies,never believe her face,she is a liar~~~hu,I am messing with u~~~
she is kinda pretty,no ,perfect face,,,haaaa~~
missing u~
inactive user
我复活节有10 天假
inactive user
Yayayayaya,missing you
inactive user
Waaa.... Thanks !! And the same to you!
inactive user
I am about to be looking forwards to your good news about the exam!
Reply - Conversation - Dec 27, 2010
Yeah, right^^
So, what are you doing?
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