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Antonella , 32 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 767.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 30, 2012
well am fine thank u..well everything is good here and how about things over there as well?well my name is dodou i live in the smiling coast of a student in grade 8 going to 9.i love to play football and i love meeting friends from all over the about u can u tell me about yourself...
Reply - Conversation - Feb 28, 2012
que buen perfil :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 19, 2011
Hay dude r you out of interpal? ? ?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 7, 2011
lo unico blando aca es la pata..! carajo..! jajaja
Reply - Conversation - Aug 5, 2011
ehh..! you pervert astigmatista..! you want to rapeme..! :O
Reply - Conversation - Aug 5, 2011
Hey sexy girl.. i´m a very beautifull boy from argentina.. would you like to do nauthy things with me..? ;)
inactive user
I’m watching movie called ‘Date night’ at the moment, have you watched? It’s such a nice movie. Lol funny and really cool. XD it’s about a couple, they were in trouble because of a funny reason. I watched it one time at the theater now, on HBO channel. XDDD lucky me this night. >.,< after it has a lot of awful thing on tv for so long.

So far, I got a lot of homework to do, even I’m on vacation, 3 days off for this week. soooo many REALLY. and I’m lazy to finish it. haha I know that I cant finish all of them if I aint start to give it a touch. But I’m so tired, I don’t want to do any such. Arrrrrr this semester is so boring.

I got plan to party tomorrow with friends, but maybe I will stay at home. I’m too tired. Lol they want to go out for a drink, I don’t drink so I think I might better stay at home. Save up my money but not spend it away for the expensive food because I already have a nice food at home, cook by mom and it’s FREE. XDD
Reply - Conversation - Jul 16, 2011
Oi como você se chama ?
Português que legal,
inactive user
Hello there!
First of all, extremely sorry for late reply. lol I have been busy with ******* class at university. tomorrow I also have Grammar English class at 3pm. So tonight I can allow myself to get up late. Hehehe how have you been? Any plan for this vacation?

Well, I haven’t had a bf but guy is liar so I hate them. XDD just easy like that. :p reality, in film and even in the book. Guy is such a liar, it proves. XDD my family thought that I was a lesbian because I always have a male friend and yes, always be just friend. XDD one of my great friend is a guy, he visits me a lot but yes, he’s such a real *** hole for his gf but he’s a good friend, how weird? XDDD

I love eating burger, no lie. Who gonna hate it right? XDDD I like eating a huge burger, and I always eat all of them even my tummy was full and my legs just can’t walk. XDD by the way, last week I had a bad luck everyday. It started since I met Indians, they was sitting next to me and smelled like a dead fish. I tried to understand different culture but smelled is something that is hard to understand. hehehe then my morning class was canceled. Do you believe that, I went to class at ******* 9am and it canceled? But I cant go home, I forgot my pocket at home, next class will begin at 3pm and my phone cant call out because it out of money. Oh and 3pm class was canceled too. I was wasting my time with noghing, arrrrrrr
inactive user

¿Qúe tal? Espero que todo es bueno en Argentina... ;)

Sí Hannover es realmente una ciudad muy graciosa. Y ahora tenemos también el sol! :)

Es muy frío en Argentina, proque es invierno... ¿pero qué calor hace? ¡Aquí en invierno tenemos a veces -20°C!

Ti trabajo es realmente interesante... a mí me gusta también el trabajo con gente. Despues de mi formación universitaria puedo trabajar en el tourismo... me gusta mucho.

Español, ingles y frances aprendo en el colegio, pero noruego aprendo solo en casa. Primiero quiero a viajar en Europa y despues quiero a viajar a América del Sur y Australia.

¡Espero que tu haces también un día lindo!
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