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이유정, 30 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 193.
inactive user
Hello, how are you? :)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 12, 2013
haha Yes, I wrote a lot of questions! lol :) So, now you are working like me! It sucks too, doesn't it? lol However, when you finish your studies, you will do very well. I hope you get the opportunity to visit here too. Is your teacher from another country or is he Korean? I'm glad you have a good teacher too, it makes it so much more enjoyable. You know, it's hot here too! So, I blame Korea for sending us such hot weather!!! lol :P j/k I guess you didn't take summer classes? I took a summer class! I am setting up for Fall classes now too. I'm glad your family is doing well. Maybe, someday, you will bring your whole family to Chicago! That would be a really cool vacation and you can translate for them too. I am doing very well, thank you. As you know, I started a new job in the beginning of this year. So, financially, I am doing much better. So, I am using the extra money for education, a new car and my savings. Aww, you miss me too! You're such a sweety!!! Oh yeah, I saw your newer photos... Wow, I think many young men will have sore necks! ;) Beijos minha bonita amiga
Reply - Conversation - Aug 9, 2013
Hi Yujeong! Yes, it has been too long!!! I want a very long update from you. How are you? How is college? How is your family? And how is S. Korea? I miss you! Beijos minha amiga
inactive user
Hello :)
inactive user
yes someday !! god's will ! haha
inactive user
wooow u're from jeju island !! i heard a lot about it !! beautiful isn'it !! haha
inactive user
hi yu jeong :) i'm raounek from algeria !! same age as u ! haha
Reply - Conversation - Aug 3, 2013
Oh and thank you. I like your name too.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 3, 2013
Thank you and it's ok. Lots of people have told me that :)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 3, 2013
I mean Yu Jeong
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