Winston1978, 46 y.o.
15 years ago,
profile updated
3 years ago.
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I was kind busy zat z y i faill to accomplish it soon.Bt am back nw.
Am back,i was busy at school!!!!1
Hi Winston! I guess you could say I AM busy these days! My daughter gave birth to a baby girl on July 15-both are happy & healthy! My birthday was July 17. And on the 23rd of July I had to have my right breast taken off because of Cancer. They found more cancer in 3 of my lymphnodes so I will talk to my Doctor about that on Friday! I'm now at home recuperating and waiting to hear what YOU HAVE BEEN DOING!??? I hope you've had some enjoyable times because I'm waiting to hear from you! Jannah
Hello Winston! How good it was to get a message from you! I have been busy with my NEW Granddaughter, Aria. She was born July 15 & is so sweet & beautiful! She & Mama (Melissa, my daughter) are doing great. I've been to California & back. I think I will have to go back for a trial but that won't start until March 2010 which gives me some time to take care of some health problems. Tomarrow I have to have my right breast removed because of cancer. I'm just hoping they don't find that it has spread ; I don't like unnecessary worry though so I've tried not to think about it!!! "FIRST THINGS FIRST"...1st is the breast removal! YOU ARE MY DAUGHTERS AGE! She's also 32! She is an Attorney but isn't working right now because she just had the baby! We have a friend in Oregon who has a mining claim & gets alot of gold out of it! How much is an ounce worth in Africa? He works hard getting the gold out but he loves doing it & THAT is important. Do you like Marketing? Is there a Mt. Elgon by where you live? Well, Winston, I'de better get some sleep so I'll be ready for THE BIG DAY tomarrow! Send me mail (my address is:
[email protected]) & I will answer you as soon as I'm able! G'Night! Jannah
Hello Winston! I haven't heard from you for awhile...I hope everything's okay with you & you're just busy with your job! I have a friend in California who has a Gold Claim! He gets alot of gold & enjoys the peace of mind it brings him being alone in the woods, by the water & making money at the same time! How much is an ounce of gold worth there? Just wanted to say "HELLO"...your friend, Jannah
Hi Winston! It was good hearing from you! I understand how time-consuming school can be. My 32 yr. old daughter just graduated from Law School & I'm hoping you will graduate next month. I will say a prayer for you! I've only seen your part of Africa (Mt. Kilimanjaro) in the books & movies. Africa has always fascinated has a beauty all it's own, doesn't it? Keep doing your school work so you will graduate, Winston! Be sure to let me know how you do! Tomarrow I have to fly to California to talk to lawyers about my son's murder. I don't want to but I HAVE to! Since my health is so bad, they have to pay for my daughter to go with me to help me. I will e-mail you here(at interpals) or your private e-mail address you gave me. My private one is
[email protected]. Again, I will hope & pray you do well on your school work! "Talk" to you when I get back!
Hi Guy! I'm not real sure where Tanzania is & I have no map to look at. I do know I've always wanted to go to Africa (I love to travel but have only been to Mexico, Japan & different states here in America. What is your area like? A warm beach is 1 of my favorite things & it looks warm in your pictures! Tell me about yourself-a wife? girlfriend? children? job? I think it's great you can communicate in at least 2 different languages!! I only know English. So you can teach me some Swahili. I will answer any questions you have. What kind of business are you in? Looking forward to hearing from you, Winston! Bye for now!!
yah lakini sikumuona anasema alikuwa busy atarudi tena wakati mwingine
Hi winston. Mambo, okashemera a picha. Mmarekani amerudi kutoka kigoma? Kisha.
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