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Cristina, 34 y.o.
Bayamón, Puerto Rico [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 20.
inactive user
Happy birthday,
long and happy and wonderful life for you full of love and peace
and a lot of success
good health,be strongbe happy ,smile always
wish all the best for you and all your dreams be true soon
inactive user
good health for you and your family
long life for you and your family full of love and peace, and a lot of success
be strong and happy
be positive and optimistic.
inactive user
something is really wrong with my wall post! :o
inactive user
I heard this story about this guy from Puerto Rico who said he is from a direct lineage to Jesus Christ and people believed him. I'm sure you've heard of this story.

P.S. I'd love to visit PR, la isla encantada! :D
inactive user
You'll corrupt me? How? <:O.... I'm scared! :s
inactive user
Why are you scared to die?**
Reply - Conversation - Mar 10, 2016
I would definitely like to talk about it more, I especially liked Samuel in Pulp Fiction but he also was just as good in the Hateful Eight. I live in Russell, Kentucky. Its right by the Ohio River. I can literally drive to Ohio and W.V in 10 minutes. I'm actually from Richmond, Virginia, but I moved to Ky a couple years ago. You can message me if you want. I can write in Spanish also, I might phrase stuff weirdly though, I'm much better at speaking it rather than reading and writing in Spanish.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 9, 2016
Quentin Tarantino's movies are some of the most detailed and story driven movies ever made. The fact that he has such top quality actors & actresses really takes his movies to another level, and keeps you completely captivated the whole time. Yes, my Spanish is very mediocre at best, I took Spanish in school and worked around fluent Spanish speakers for a while, but it still hasn't really stuck, I definitely need help with it though.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 9, 2016
Thanks for the visit, really don't know how this site works yet, have any tips?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 2, 2016
Well, it can be true. And if it will, terrbile!
Oh, don't generalize! lol.
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