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Srutha, 30 y.o.
Chennai, India [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 153.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 29, 2012
Daymm shit...I just saw porcupine tree on your list...check out my profile...we share so meany musical interests man...good shit...:-D...get in touch gurrl..
inactive user
I am Arun greets from Chennai..:)
How are you??:)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 21, 2011
yep thats 26th right?yeah ill do my best to be there !!!!!
its mom's bday..i can come to your place..wanna ride together?
inactive user
inactive user
Hey! I am ok and you?
inactive user
According to me ther are two categories in women.. Chocolate and Bullet.. Chocolates are sweet and nice.. Bullets are sexy and bold.. The bullets are the one's with beauty and the chocolates are brainy.. But ur a women with both characters..Even though i cant see ur photo but i can surely tel u that ur a " Beauty with Brains" !!!!!!!!!

My name is Aryan.. M a software engineer working for Yahoo!.. N a professional drummer..I play for a rock band.. N passionate about business.. I run a Pub in the mean while too in bangalore.. N more about my interests could be read on my profile..
inactive user
lol wow that's a lot of people! what grade or level are you in? i'm in 10th.

i can tell you like to read, i like a bunch of those books u listed too
inactive user
pretty good, bored out of my mind with no school!

that's an interesting pic!
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Jan 17, 2011
i am great here...
this is raj...
nice to meet u...srutha...
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