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Spectkelly, 35 y.o.
Vicenza, Italy [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 13.
inactive user
hey :P
I wonder what u guy do in such a small town on the weekends!?! pls tell me - big city gal wants to know XD bye, mira
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Nov 17, 2008
hey! is that a real tree?
inactive user
hi~~~nice 2 meet u!!!
Reply - Conversation - Oct 21, 2008
yea we can be friends
inactive user
Heey :)
Okay, I'm Nienke from Holland and I live with my mother and her new husband. My parents divorced 9 years ago, I was seven at that time. I also like to meet people from different countries, and I'm also not in for a relationship cause that doesn't work when the other one lives on the other side of the world I think :P
I'm not fake, don't worry :) I love music! :D
All kinds of music, really :) And I love to travel. I've been to Africa once, that was South-Africa. My father was last year in Ghana, he built three houses with some other men. He founds that the nature was beautiful and the people friendly :)
I like to read, swim, go out, watching movies, listen to the music, travelling, and I smile a lot :)

Byeee :)
inactive user
Like your profile! :)
inactive user
Hi :)
Nice too meet you
When, my name is Dorotka, I'm from Poland
I have got older sister
and so sweet dog ;]
Can you write more about your country???
inactive user
It has nothing to do with you being black as my son-in law and my grand kids are black. I don't mind black I just don't like liars and those who are out to run a scam. So I had rether not be friends with any one form Africa because of that. I just don't trust anyt one from your country as I ahve noly heard from scams and liars. sorry if you got up set just don't want froiends from your country.I know there may be some good people there just have not and don't care to meed them.
inactive user
Hi this is val from Uganda, are ok
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