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Silasj, 35 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 13 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 24.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 26, 2011
how are you doing there? sry for the late reply. i have been busy on taking care of my work n school stuff. and i just graduated from uni a few weeks ago.

btw, i just found that i made a typo earlier. actually i was gonna say "county," not "country" instead = = hahahaha
inactive user
robots?? that sound intersting and complicated at the same time
inactive user
oh no no don't be sorry about late ^^ i understand you're busy so really don't be worried about that ! ^^

ohh you don't sleep a lot these days T.T
really ? a surprise party ? wow ! ^^ i guess it was fun ! did you celebrate something special ? ^^

anyway fighting for your assignements and quizzes !!

really ? ^^ you've searched about Vendée ? ^^ ohh i can send you some postcards if you want !

yes that's right ^^ i'm living in a little village ! if you want i added some pics of my village on interpals ^^ i remember that i called this album "my hometown" but i'm not sure >.<
if you want more pics i can send them by email too ^^
wow ^^ you wanna live in a little village ? you're an exception i think ^^ because other people think that living in this kind of place is annoying >.<
Reply - Conversation - May 23, 2011
Hello my friend...and it's okay...been around the world and understand very clearly...I don't get upset so easily. Your english is perfect...and yes...I love to play's my children's fault..hehehe..they got me hook into this. I started with Final Fantasy when my son used to play....and I did play Starcraft 1 but haven't followed...I play WOW online..for many years..
Reply - Conversation - May 18, 2011
I am very so sorry.
Now,I have to prepare for my big exam,so i seldom reply to you.
Please wait me.I will come back soon.
7/3 I will be freedom:))
Reply - Conversation - May 18, 2011
haha. really? i thought you might be as the same as i. cuz a 21 year-old man must be a junior or a senior here. yes, i am currently living in the uni dorm. but only for 2 days per week. i spend most of my time staying in my uncles house in another country... which means i gotta travel between my uni and there every week... really exhausting!! i should have got used to it though... haha
inactive user
sorry i couldnt answer you before
no i dont think its an unsual question, you were curious so
and im about you?
inactive user
oh yes ! on the first week of July i'm going to camping with my friends ^^ we're going in Vendée, in the west coast, Atlantic coast ^^

ohh i found GwangJu in the map ^^ i live in Orléans when i go to university, it's situated near Paris ^^ otherwise, because now i'm on vacation, i live in a little, little village, no more than 150 people live in this village, surrounded by fields ^^

ahah yes i think Busan is a nice city but as i have never visited neither of these cities, i can't know which one i'll prefer ^^

did you have a nice weekend ? ^^
Reply - Conversation - May 14, 2011
Hello name is Armando and I live in Florida,'s an honor to meet you..I speak english and spanish, if you need to learn or practice..I will help you gladly...
inactive user
ohh camping !! ahah camping is really fun i think ! i'm going to camping with my friends in august ! ^^
oh rain T.T barbecue ! ahh hopefully i just had my lunch some minutes ago so i'm not hungry anymore ^^

ah yes i've heard about children's day ! we don't have that in France ^^ where is your hometown ?

well on sunday i got a big map of Korea ! so i'll be able to know more about geography ^^ i don't know where i wanna live, i think Busan is a nice place ! Seoul too but as it's the capital, it's really crowded ! ^^
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