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Riezha Argamanggala, 32 y.o.
Jakarta, Indonesia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance


Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 75.
inactive user
hello ~ good today the end of 2015
inactive user
Hello ! and pretty good :) how about you ?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 31, 2015
yo! :D good, and you?
inactive user
yo yo yo how are you? sorry for late: P
inactive user
Hi, Riezha. Wow, you're going here? That's great. Welcome:)
I notice you learn Korea, though "Hyung" is when you speak with a man older than you.kkk I don't drink but We can chat as a friend. hehe
Marry Christmas!
inactive user
Soju taste like Vodka but more yucky! What kind of club do you like? hip hop? or electronic?

When will you come to korea?
inactive user
That's cool! What kind of alcohol do you like it?

Do you like clubbing mate?

Damn! you knew 자기야 mean >_< ... HAHAHAH I am not gay ! hahah
inactive user
I dont mind you call me " Hyung", But Call me "Name" or

How about call me " Ja gi ya"??

CALL ME "Ja gi ya" then I will be your friend hahahah xp
inactive user
No worries, Same as me! I love drink alcohol but I am not heavy drinker ^^

To be honest I can show you drink place like hong dae but I cant show you tourist place on week days, cuz I have to go to work place on the week days,

How many friend are you going to korea with ?
inactive user
Wow! sorry for the late replying mate!

It is up to you call me , but I like we will be call name each other!

How long will you stay in Korea?

Do you like alcohol?
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