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Miae, 35 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]


Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 18 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 23.
inactive user
I dont like cold

inactive user
no problem :)
ask me anyway If you need to help :)
inactive user
wow ~ I envy you
you look so smart *O*
I'm not smart :D
inactive user
got it :)

what is ur major?
inactive user
I dont think so
korean is studying so hardly

How about Yonsei univ?
inactive user

you are unique x)
I dont know lol
just I hope that I can entrance at korean univ
Do you know?
inactive user
why?? lol
why do you prefer to come to uk?
inactive user
My job is ...
Hum.. I dont know lol

ahhh~ anyway I hope that I can go to korea
what is ur univ name ?
inactive user
noooo :(
I dont want to be a English teacherrrrrrrrr x(
just living in korea or here forever xD

no my english is sooo poor :D
inactive user
right :(
but we can meet in japan
anytime :)
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