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Kaisu, 29 y.o.
Oulainen, Finland [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 70.
inactive user
It'll take too long, I'll try to go while I'm in the university. ;) my problem is I don't even know what the heck I want to study in the university, maybe I wanna be an interpreter/translator but these are not very well paid jobs most times... how will I become a millionaire with a badly paid job? ahaha :P
inactive user
hahaha true :P They just hire people specialized in something, I didn't even end highschool yet! :P
inactive user
Yeah I think the same, it's easier to improve little things than big things, it always is. ;) the same happens to canada, sometimes the canadian government tries to contract brazilians, it's a pity they don't try to contract me ha ha ;)
inactive user
Yeah haha it's small, São Paulo has over 10 million people xD I think Finland is pretty okay not having too many people. Oh well, with a car everything becomes easier. :)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 18, 2015
please email to [email protected]
Reply - Conversation - Jan 18, 2015
i fail to send message all the time xD
inactive user
I don't know if I like it or not because I've never felt real cold but I wanna try it xD haha Yeah the cars get stuck when there's too much snow and the sidewalks get slippy which must suck O:
Yep It is, It's my favourite country, there's so many cool things to see there, and I hope to go there within some years :)

I've always lived in the city and my city is considered small although it has about 1 million inhabitants haha. My city has beautiful beaches but anyways I hate living here. I wanna move to another city when I go to University cause my city doesn't have the courses I like, my city sucks P: I prefer city because most times there's much more things to do and more people to meet :D
inactive user
Hum I see.. I think it must be cool to live in the country side of your country, Finland has lots of beautiful nature :) Do you prefer city or country side? I live in the capital but my city and Brazil sucks sooo much.
inactive user
Wow Too damn cold! and how does it feel? I wanna live in Canada so I'll have to face the cold ha ha :)
inactive user
Wow Do you ever go outside with this temperature? is it in celsius? D: I think I've never had less than 10° C. Anyways this is a paradise for Huskies, they absolutely love snow :D ohh do you live in the countryside? Yep, Indoors is always safer ^.^
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