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Hannan, 31 y.o.
Birmingham, United Kingdom [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 378.
inactive user
Yo ~~
inactive user
hello hannan ^^
it's been awhile
how you've been since ?
how was your weekend ? (:
inactive user
damn it noonie call me~~~
inactive user
iie iie ~ zenzen daijoubu!! :D kinishinaide ne baka ~ atashitachi nakama janai no!?!?!? lol^^
hm ~ nichioubi ka?... maa... okai~ x) ii yo~ demo ne noonie, denwa shite kudasai yo!!! xP please call me anyway just to make sure tonight hehe ^^ xx
inactive user
I hope you arrived home safe!! :D
I've missed u all~ ;__; for some reason I am stressing about college and my health... when I stress out my sleep paralysis is consistent >< I never sleep at night coz am too scared! o(╯□╰)o when we're in college let me sleep on ur lap~ at least I'd feel safe~

anyway... I hope u got a great mark! we'll talk about college stuff in college ne^^ ah... speaking of which... when do we start?? hehe ~^O^~
inactive user
gomene for being late!! what part of the world are u at now? lol^^
damnit... don't remind me of college... plus all the art crap that has not been done... OH BTW!! first thing am gonna do when I get into college is talk to Mrs Riglez about dropping art... I can't take it anymore... it's bullshit plus I got a D for my exam... eff all of that dude... I'd rather concentrate on the more important subjects~
inactive user
wow super long!!!
inactive user
OMG... I can't believe u... grab someones phone and bloody call me!! chikshou! I was thinking of a way to get to u all the time wallah, but gave up on interpals since u hardly visit anymore...

anyway!! we have to talk ASAP coz we need to chat about our gay art work n ABOUT YOU GOING OVERSEAS SOON!! how come you never said anything? ;__; heard from Roffu on results day...AH... HOW WERE YOUR RESULTS!!!!!? let's not talk about mine... *can't be arsed to sob anymore, dakara its just *sniff*

so u get the idea!! get off ya bum and call me~~~~~~~ or text...
inactive user
wow!! your birthday?? congratulations@!!!!
hehe still now im on a summer vacation~
yeaaa... i enjoying this site yett hehe
inactive user
what's up ?
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