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Meiwai, 30 y.o.
Bilbao, Spain [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 116.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 8, 2015
Hola Miwai ¿como estas? yo estoy muy interesado en lo relacionado a lo asiatico y tambien a lo vasco, mis abuelos son de bilbao y desde pequeño siempre he sentido una fascinacion por esa tierra, espero podamos conversar saludos
Reply - Conversation - Jan 21, 2013
ola k ase, mei XD
Reply - Conversation - Oct 25, 2012
oh! meiwai is today your birthday?
wow happy birthday!!! congratulations! :D
I'm sorry as i can't do anything for you T.T
but wishing you a very happy birthday^^ you are my best friend xD

¡Feliz cumpleaños!
Reply - Conversation - Oct 25, 2012
then how about your weekend?^^
did you have a particular accident these days?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 15, 2012
muy bien, gracias ^^
i bought a spanish book. i learning to it :D

then not long ago, i went to a school field trip! wednesday to saturday(four days) the place which i went is jeju-do. do you know there? it's very beautiful place in korea! especially Mt. halla is a famous mountain :D I recommend you to visit jeju-do later xD It's very nice!
Reply - Conversation - Oct 3, 2012
thanks for your advice^^

como esta usted?
i'm learning spanish these days! that's very fun and i really like it xD
Reply - Conversation - Sep 7, 2012
did you start this monday? wow good luck to you^^ can i ask your college name? if i go to spain, i want to visit there too :D
so so means my schoollife is not good and not bad =33 i'm so stressful because of too much assignments T.T I want the time passes quickly :(
Reply - Conversation - Sep 7, 2012
long time no see! i'm sorry againT.T
It's too late. i'm really really so sorry...

anyway, how have you been? and how is college? haha i'm so curious. my school started not long ago :D do you finish your vacation too? i'm little sad but it's not bad >.< my schoollife is so so. how about u?^^
Reply - Conversation - Jul 9, 2012
oh, isn't there karaoke in spain? i have heard korea use the most karaoke in the would xD that's very fun! i'll have to give you a rain check >.<

next thursday, my summer vacation starts! wow that's very cool. i'm so happy as i'll be able to take a rest!!! and i'll do what i was want to do^^ and this friday is our school festival xD do you know exo-k? they belong to SM! i love them!!! ah! anyway i and my friends will dance in festival, "MAMA" by exo-k :D I'll show them if my friend shooting it =33
Reply - Conversation - Jun 20, 2012
Meiwai long time no see^^ i'm sorry for being late again T.T i often replied late to you. so i always feel sorry for you... please understand me :(

and did you finish your exams? how have you been? i wonder how are you doing nowadays :D

I usually do our shopping, go to singing room,go to cafe and taking pictures in downtown with friends^^ when we had not enough money, we just look around =33
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