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Marie-aurore, 34 y.o.
Lyon, France [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 409.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 23, 2014
Happy Birthday, Marie ! Ca fait trop longtemps. J'espere que tout va bien pour toi !
inactive user
Hi Marie, nice to meet you :) so do you study or work? ya I saw Tvd! can't wait to watch tommorow's one :) are you on FB?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 1, 2011
Ahh, je suis heureux d'écouter tes nouvelles! Combien de temps restes-tu la?

Tout va bien pour moi. Je travaille à une stage maintenant comme consultant pour le commerce sur le web. C'est tres interessant - probablement ce que je veux faire pour payer mes prets jusqu'a je peux travailler comme ecrivain celebre :)

Tu me manques beaucoup. Si tu veux, parlons sur Skype!
Reply - Conversation - Oct 29, 2011
omg i was there last week ......

no i went out on friday to see mary popins and had dinner
ill call you next time im out ....we can party together
Reply - Conversation - Oct 29, 2011
hey im good you ?

how have you been ?
have you been clubbing
i went to the city on friday ...inbox me ur number and we can catch up soon
inactive user
Hey there. Enjoying Sydney :) ?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 21, 2011
bnj ma puce comment va tu?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 18, 2011
Haha, how was going on the airplane for the first time? If you go on an airplane as a child, it doesn't seem scary, but I'm sure it must have been strange since you had never been on one before and people had been telling you about it their whole lives. Yeah, I thought about it long and hard, and I'm positive that I will not work in finance. To be good in Finance, you either have to love it or love money, and I found out in the past year that I don't love it and I don't care too much about making lots of money if that meant that I would be unhappy. Yes, I will definitely go to France one day. I have to study in a French speaking country for at least one semester to receive a degree in French. I'm planning on finishing this semester, next semester, and then working during the Fall 2012 semester so that I can save to stay in France as long as possible. That's my plan :) Have you made any anglophone friends yet, Marie-Aurore?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 14, 2011
salut ca va?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 11, 2011
Apres mon deuxieme annee etudier francais a l'universite, j'ai decide d'abandonner mes etudes en finance pour poursuivre completement mes etudes en francais. Ca veut dire que j'etudierai en france 100%. Quand? Je ne sais pas du tout, mais il faut. Maintenant, je veux etre un ecrivain' C'est seulement un passe-temps, mais je vais pratiquer jusqu'a je peux ecrire comme un profession. 8 mois? Wow, un autre continent completement. Comment s'ameleiore-il ton anglais? Oh, quand as-tu arrivee a Sydney?
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