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Andrea, 33 y.o.
Štúrovo, Slovakia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 412.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 30, 2013
Hi how r u?
inactive user
Szia Andrea!

Hogy vagy? Csinosak a képeid:) Szeretsz párkányban lakni? Én talá ott jártam legtöbbet szlovákiában, apukám nem messze esztergomtól született, de a Duna magyar oldalán. Látom van egy ikertestvéred, és voltál a balatonon:) Párkány egyébként érdekes hely, nekem legjobban az tetszett, mikor prágából jöttem haza már este sötét volt télen, és ahogy megálltunk párkányban az állomáson látni lehetett a kivilágított esztergomi bazilikát:) Egyébként Párkányig szoktak a cseh vonatok magyar kalauzzal menni, és onnantól szlovák van, meg a mozdonyon is cserélnek a masiniszták:) De általában olyan kalauz szokott lenni a szlovák vasúttól aki tud magyarul:) Egyébként többségében esztergom felől mentem párkányba, a hídon át, még annak idején a híd avatásán is ott voltam:)
inactive user
Hi, how are you?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 24, 2011
aah thank you:) and you wont believe:P IM LEARNING yeeaaah:D I have learnt history and now I'm learning the poem which we have to know:P I know 11:D and I will not going to sleep:P:D And how is my holiday? super:) The last two days I sunbathing:D So not exactly sunbathing but I will tell you it at school:D I'm sure you will laught:D :/ :D
new shoees? oh yeah:) I wanna see them!:) It does not matter that they have not got so high heel in spite of this can be nice shoes:P And what are you doing during your holiday?:) I hope you are learning all the time:P And then when we come back, you can help me during the graduating lol:D I'm just kidding:)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 23, 2011
thank youu:) and i only said that you don't need to bring the other volumes of the book "Tarot":) happy easter to you, too:)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 21, 2011
yes yes I know:P not like some people around me:P
btw, I have read your books. The 2nd and 3rd were super:) the other one (tarot) was really good, too, but I think it is enough for me:D insome parts are very hmm i cant find the right word:D haunted:D but interesting:) thank youu:) I'll give them you wednesday:)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 20, 2011
for romance? hmmm:) I will thinking about that;) I don't know what will my boyfriend say, but you know, he do not have to know about it:P :D
and I'm not that type of human who ignores others KHM... :D:D I hope you understand;) :D
inactive user
yes i a
july16~ august 22:D
Reply - Conversation - Jul 13, 2010
I'm doing an internship at my university at the moment. Nothing too exciting. What are you doing during your summer holidays? Anything exciting? :D
inactive user
haha its ok... while it was in this life... not too late :P

i would have wished you good luck for the World Cup, if we met before :D as i said to a friend that they might beat Italy,and I was right :D
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