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Maggie, 31 y.o.
Boulder, United States [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 746.
inactive user
ow I love that!!!! Sometimes I get angry when people complain about stupid things. I'm trying not to complain, when I want to complain I always think at those people who are less lucky.
Well my 'big' problem is that I always have those great ideas in my head but producing it is hard for me. Like now I have this movie-idea in my head but I can't film and when I write it down it mostly sucks so now I'm afraid that my idea will lose his value when I do something with it.
inactive user
and it's so much more fun to search the way and it gives me such a great feeling when I reached the point where I need to be. Like you've won something. haha I'm really a small-things-and-feelings lover. Like I try to be happy all the time and I really don't need big things to be happy just friends showing up when you're throwing a party makes me happy.
I always think maybe I'll lose some pounds and then I'll be able to fit it that dress again or maybe I can make something out of it haha.
inactive user
Or they send you to places where you don't have to be, like a friend of mine got seriously lost because she followed her GPS and she ended up in Brussels instead of Hamme which is a big difference.
I couldn't do that, even my clothes are my dear belongings eventhough there are holes in it I never threw things away. I really have to change that :s
inactive user
I get lost easily and when I have a map I always find my way and I kind of like reading maps. I dislike GPS they always have such an annoying voice and I get distracted really easy. Ow that's sad but happily there's internet!
I always wanted to be this: 'I-don't-need-anything' girl but when I cleane my room it's extremely hard to throw things away because I'm like: Oh I might use that or I won't throw that away because it has a story to tell and so I would never be able to take all my belongings with me in a suitcase! It would be such a lovely world! Where is that world I want to live in it.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 20, 2011
no don't haha
Reply - Conversation - Jul 19, 2011
well this movie was made of boring dialogue, EXPLOSION, perversion, boring dialouge, EXPLOSION, perversion, boring dialogue then an HOUR LONG EXPLOSION.... THEN END
Reply - Conversation - Jul 19, 2011
i no what you mean, i watched the new transformers last week...... and the model who played the love interest has no acting talent what so ever, but thats michael bay for you, a perv
Reply - Conversation - Jul 19, 2011
phew i'm glad you do :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 19, 2011
not trying to sound full of my self, but getting up on stage isn't for every one haha
Reply - Conversation - Jul 19, 2011
i'm studying drama and theatre :)
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