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Jacinta, 31 y.o.
Cincinnati, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 11.
inactive user
Hi, Am interested in your profile .
please can you tell me a little more about you for a good start my email . ([email protected] I will send my pictures for you to also tell you more about yourself, ............. My best quality is very simple - I am sincere, kind , open, very loyal and loving, gentle and optimistic person. I also purposeful, active , sociable, reliable , loyal and serious. I love extreme sports and adventure! I love children and spending time with them ....Am Michael Ekine.
thank you
My Regards.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 7, 2014
go to work
Reply - Conversation - Jan 7, 2014
I fell in love I want to know you
inactive user
Hello, i'm lucas from Brazil. i'm looking for someone who can help
me in my English and wants to befriend. I really would
like to know you for that. What do you think?
Ah, and i could help you with portuguese, of course, if you like it. Would be a pleasure.
inactive user
I don't get it how on some of your pics your head is a triangle which is extremely attractive and exciting, and on the other it's just a polygon. inb4 triangle is a polygon as well.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 17, 2013
Elllllllllo GOVNA.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 16, 2013
hello sweet girl:)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 14, 2013
hello,how are you doing
What makes you the most
interesting humay being some one
will come in contact with
Reply - Conversation - Nov 9, 2013
Hello dear friend , How are you? . Would you like
having a friend in Latin America?
inactive user
What makes you the most interesting human being someone will come in contact with?
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