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Rindu, 27 y.o.
Malang, Indonesia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 57.
inactive user
OH MY GOD!!!! I feel so stupid I didn't wish you a nice birthday.. Ugh I'm a jerk. But however, congrats girl!!! Have you had a nice birthday?
inactive user
I'm fine too, thanks :D
inactive user
Heyy yeah of course I remember you :D How're you doing?
inactive user
Well I don't know actually haha (yeah I know I'm weird). Maybe Dutch is more difficult I don't know. I hope we can meet too!! I'm friendly :) (at least I think I am haha)
inactive user
hahaha come to my universityyy (=゚ω゚)ノ
there're many foreign studets (^。^)
inactive user
haha i see :)))
yeppp my university is in Tokyo ♪(*^^)o∀*∀o(^^*)♪
inactive user
nice choice of favorite quotes :P
inactive user
nope :( but, i wanna try it someday!! hehe

oh i see i see〜
what else do you like in Indonesian food?
inactive user
Hahaha Dutch is very difficult, but Indonesian sounds strange to me haha :D hahahha we can meet but it's in the summer next year, we'll see haha :) I really hate our Dutch history, we were such jerks... :(
inactive user
Hahaha I'll visit your city too :D Well a friend of me is Indonesian and she told me that a few words were similar, so no I don't know any words haha
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