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Kirakron_c, 50 y.o.
Ban Lam Luk Ka, Thailand [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 6 of 6.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 13, 2014
Nice to meet you too
inactive user
Sawaddee ka
Nice greetings from Germany
Reply - Conversation - Aug 19, 2013
Hello Andrew, Sorry for rate massage to you. Because my job was so busy. Thanks for your recomment Eglish. Okey for your Thai. Sentence one มีบางจุดของการใช้ตัวสะกดผิด( some of spelling) เป็ล use น to "เป็น" , ฟรั่ง use ฝ to "ฝรั่ง" ,ไช่ use to "ใ-ช้ =ใช้ . Second sentence ผมคิดว่าประโยคข้างบลสง่า You should be write "ผมคิดว่าประโยคข้างบนสมบูรณ์" Third sentence กลอง use ค-ล-่-อ-ง " คล่อง" it's mean skillful "ผมอยากพูดไทยคล่อง" Fourth sentence is good
Do you work about to finace and Stock Exchange ?
I have intereted this it
And My email : [email protected], for directly contact to me

Regards Chai
Reply - Conversation - Aug 18, 2013
Hi Chai, Thanks for telling me about your work. I am going to try and write to you in Thai and English which should be good for me and I hope you as well.

If you want to e-mail me directly you can at [email protected]

I am going to correct some of your spelling and add some grammar I hope that is alright with you.
“I’m (because it is a contraction of I am you need an apostrophe between the two for it to be correct) in construction and the property business.
I live in Phrathum Thani (your home town area needs to have capitals as it is a proper noun)
I hope to speak again soon

Regards Andrew
Reply - Conversation - Aug 16, 2013
Hi Chai.Is that Chai as per ชาย
Could you tell me about your work in Thai and English?
Could you write your location in Thai?

Have a great day

Regards Andrew
Reply - Conversation - Aug 16, 2013
Hello, how are you doing?
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