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Jatin, 33 y.o.
Melbourne, Australia [Current City]


Looking for


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1169.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 8, 2017
So happy that your doing good. Hope nothing much has changed since the last time I messaged you back in MARCH! (I am such a HORRIBLE friend lol xD) I'm not on here much as you may have noticed already >_<;;; I don't have WhatsApp and I don't think I have you on FB D: but I will try and text you if I can.

The only thing that's changed in my life is now I have a faithful companion in my life. (no its not a boyfriend, sadly D;) I have a cat now and I love her to death. I literally started the new year with her as a kitten. and now she fallows me everywhere I go.

Also I'm still jobless xD I did have a job for a while but I had to leave it. it just wasn't right for me. Not to sound picky but I couldn't do it. it was overwhelming and demanding. so I'm thinking of opening my own business. its nothing special just something I'm trying out since I haven't been able to get a proper and stable job for a while now. Wish me luck!

What about you? how has life been treating you? Fairly I hope :P
Reply - Conversation - Mar 5, 2017
It's been two (or so) years and I'm only replying to you now. I'm sorry, I was away from Interpals for a long time. I lost you're number so I can't text you and yes I'm still in Chicago. I have been going through a lot. It's nothing serious it's had me depressed for a while. I'm a lot better now and hope to hear from you soon. Hope you're having fun living out life :P and that you still remember me xD
Reply - Conversation - Aug 15, 2015
benchapman4321 21, Launceston, Australia
Delete - Reply - Conversation - 15 seconds ago
Australia does have some great universities. There are lots of great food produce and some really great wines!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 11, 2015
yea its a fantastic city.. you will love it
Reply - Conversation - Aug 9, 2015
ohh nice Jay, where in Australia are you moving too?
inactive user
Oh god I have stories for days! So many scars from falling off horses XD mind you, it was the same horse everytime! He was a huge Belgian horse and he literally walked me through a big bush/tree once. It was like in slow motion and iI got stuck up in the branches and just hung there for what felt like forever XD when I finally fell to the ground my cousins horse jumped over me XD ugh but I miss it so much XD not the concussions but everything else I miss XD what happened when you fell off?
inactive user
Whoa whoa whoa! You mean to tell me your doctor said its BAD for you?! My doctor told me the exact opposite! Hmmm i don't know what's going on but something's fishy here and i don't like it.....I'll get to the bottom of it don't you worry!!! Lol
Reply - Conversation - Mar 25, 2015
DUUUUUUDE! Omg yes it has been a long time. How have you been? How are your studies going? Im sorry it took me so long to reply i was pretty bz /:
Reply - Conversation - Jan 9, 2015
Mostly because of the weather.... And the people I guess... =]

Nope... But yeah heard a lot about it...
inactive user
Oh cool lol.what had u expected of me to be?
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