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Hrit, 31 y.o.
Fort Worth, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 96.
inactive user
Happy New Year my dear friend!
I wish that in 2013 you will be more successful, happy and joyful. Good health and beauty. And also a lot of happy moments and new friends. And don't forget old;)
Your friend
Evgeny Ilyin
Reply - Conversation - Mar 8, 2012
i am fine ,
how are you.?
inactive user
Hi, Merry Christmas. Be always happy.
inactive user
That suck. How ur shopping list coming along got everything
inactive user
ur welcome, i've miss u to. i've been good, been busy wit work and school, and being sick as well unfortunately. how was ur birthday though
inactive user
So how are u today :D ?
inactive user
inactive user
Hey may happy returns today :D :)
Sorry I couldn't wish you ealier :S
inactive user
oh no dont be bored XD
Reply - Conversation - Nov 30, 2011
hola from Argentina :) :*
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