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Guitaress, 45 y.o.
Oslo, Norway [Current City]

Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 147.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 12, 2018
HEI!! Just wondering if you'd be interested in a snail mail friend from Germany?? I'd be thrilled! Greetings, Rebecca
inactive user
You sound a lot like me! Cultural history, that is something I'm interested, too, and I live with a history geek of a partner who's like Indiana Jones, hehe. I hear you on being naive, very much me, as well^^
Reply - Conversation - Apr 11, 2017
Elliott Smith brings back many fond memories! I used to listen to his music almost incessantly in my early 20s, as an undergraduate Uni student. I remember sitting in my living room listening to XO and wondering if there could be anything more beautiful and meaningful and pertinent on the entire planet. Because that's what you do when you're pre-25, right? ;)

I also l-o-v-e Mr Norrell & Jonathan Strange - did you see the television adaption? Totally addictive. I felt lost for weeks after it ended!

Have a lovely week!
Reply - Conversation - May 22, 2015
Hi I want to learn to speak English). I'm looking for friends that can help me to accomplish my wish. I relationships, people, psychology, music, Film, graphic design, illustration, books etc I'm interested.
Do not hesitate to write me to:)
I'm an electrical engineer
I love to travel
I want to meet with people in other countries
and I want them entertaining in my country
I love very animals
inactive user
Happy Belated birthday!
inactive user
Just wanted to say hi! ^_^ I hope you are doing well!
Reply - Conversation - Dec 22, 2012
Hi Helene,
How are you?
I am really sorry for the very very late feedback but I really did not notice your post until today :(
Thanks a lot for your nice words and it will be pleasure for me to exchange with you.
Please let me know what's the your preferred communication way: letters, emails, msg on interpals?
inactive user
I am confused what should i write to you
Reply - Conversation - Aug 1, 2012
you have awesome taste in music and films! :)
inactive user
Its okay with me Guiteress, friends r ment to be. Nice finding you here.
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