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Amy , 27 y.o.
Fort Worth, United States [Current City]

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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 148.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 27, 2015
my goodness.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 7, 2015
Oh it's totally fine if ur not from Overseas or u don't know Korean lol
inactive user
Lol that's good, and it's ok if u don't like her
inactive user
I get the gist of wa and ga, I usually just guess xD I've read about the difference, but for some reason it doesn't logically make sense for me. I learn with patterns, and so far I haven't found an obvious pattern aside from wa usually being used at the beginning of the sentence or to say a name (Boku wa ___), and ga is so far usually used to say someone is something haha. I read that ga is usually used to introduce new information about the subject in a sentence? Idk, I usually follow what sounds right haha

I like going to school! My mum isn't exactly the nicest person haha, and going to school helps keep me on a schedule and looking forward to something, trips, or even if it's looking forward to no school itself. I also learn much more here than I would have at home haha~~

I'll try! I used to wear snow pants, but taking them off and putting them becomes too slow to catch buses! So I have to wear like 2 pairs of pants lmfao. Luckily the school doesn't mind you wearing pajamas~~

Yeah she was, it was a few years ago haha. But my sister is still scared of being a car with someone, which sucks cuz my birth father drives really fast and often times takes his hands off the wheel lmfao

Not here, our city was just declared to have a large enough population to be a city~~ It's not like Toronto at all haha, Toronto is hoooorrible for driving xD Here it gets crowded during rush hour, but that's a given haha.

Yes, there are quite a few conventions! I went to Anime North last year~~ I was thinking about making an album to upload the pics I took to it haha, it was a big convention for me but then I saw how huuuge Fan Expo was! I didn't go to Fan Expo, it was only a few months after AN and was too expensive haha. I'm going to AN again this year though~~
Do you have any anime conventions near you? ov o

Saaame, I feel like my Japanese writing is better than my English but it probably isn't xD It might just seem that way cuz I'm not used to seeing Japanese writing
inactive user
Yeah, I especially have a hard time the different between は and が haha. I've read a lot of tutorials, but apparently the difference doesn't translate too well into English anyway. I'm probably just going to have to settle with learning by example and correction xD

I go to HS, I was home schooled for a few years so I'm behind <xD Yeah, waiting for the bus at 7am in the winter sucks omfg. It easily goes below 0 Fahrenheit here, and I'm super worried for this winter. Our summer was barely hot, I almost never needed my fan inside, outside was sorta hot tho but nothing bad. Which means winter is going to be cold AFFFF.

It's kind of uncommon?? My mum crashed it by accident when she was heavily medicated after a seizure, so she totaled it and we can't afford a new one..;;; So it would be my family, yeah haha. We're not too well off <xD We use the YRT, the transit buses though, which is fun cuz you get to see routes in streets you normally wouldn't even bother with, and people who you'd never see normally. I often like to wonder, what they have done in their lives, how they live, why they're on the same bus at me. We may have similar destinations, but our lives and reason are very different haha. I'm in the city, though~~

I had to google how to do correct stroke order with my writing, but by that point it was too late! Lmfao, I ended up writing the way I figured out was the easiest, and now it's a habit;;;

Āāā that sounds fun, though!
inactive user
Day6: congratulations, uniq: falling in love. And I can't believe u don't listen to boa haha she's amazing!!
inactive user
Day6 is really good, I like how different they r. U should also listen to uniq too, they're pretty good. As in girl groups I don't listen much but I do like 2ne1 and girls generation but my fav is BoA and she's not even in a group lol
inactive user
haha thanks :D
Reply - Conversation - Nov 5, 2015
I think I can talk to all the artists, especially boy bands. lol XD
inactive user
There's quite a few words that are essential to understand a sentence (like nouns and verbs and whatnot) that I don't understand, so spoken Japanese is harder for me than reading it xD

I should! But most of them are after school as our only actual Language classes are French/Spanish, everything else is a program. But I take a bus home, and in winter I especially don't like to miss the bus and take 2 other ones homehahah ;u;uu;u;

I wouldn't classify myself as an Otaku or Weeaboo xD;; Both are insults haha, though Otaku seems to be used more and more here as someone who really likes anime? I think Otaku is more like, someone who has a destructive lifestyle because of their obsession for anime? Haha, Weeaboo just means someone who pretends/thinks they're an anime character, and uses broken Japanese (but not in a way to teach themselves)~~

I would take classes outside of school, but my family doesn't own a car and my job hunting hasn't been successful yet, so transportation is hard and so is affording classes haha;;;;

I'm trying to teach myself Hiragana right now haha, for now I need to use google translate to read the romaji~~ GT doesn't usually translate anything properly, so I don't even bother reading the English translation when I do that tho xD;; The alphabets are so big, omg;; I just started a few days ago, but I can't practice as much as I want to because I'm in school //sob//

Aiyah, Kanji is something I'm both excited about but fearing <xD Just the mass amount of Kanji used is intimidating, but since it is used so often you really have no choice xD

HEHEHEHE, I'm getting better at keeping a conversation going! Or at least I hope so xD

Is your class fun? I hope you have a good teacher! Lawdy knows a teacher can make or break a class <xD
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