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Chris Williams, 35 y.o.
Little Rock, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 15 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 475.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 15, 2010
It has been a long time. They were very wonderful, but too cold. How were yours? Hah yeah quite awkward but I don't mind.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 13, 2010
Well, that's because the countries like Lithuania are very small and there are very few people speaking our language( just in Lithuania). And you, Americans, do not need to know the second language, cause you can use your mother tongue almost everywhere:)

Lithuania is very beautiful country, just too cold for me:D We have colourful autumns, cold and snowy winters, green springs and hot summers(not always hot:D) LT has interesting and very confused history and we take pride in it:)And we have a language, which is one of the oldest in Europe! and very difficult, by the way;D
inactive user
In Poznań is really cold! So much snow i've never seen befor! I don't like it and i hate winter so i prefer reading book and listening music in my pleasant room with cap of coffee. I'm glad that you like this artists which I recommended. I think polish musicians are really good but not many people appreciate them. If you like rock music or reggae I could recommend some. For example Dżem, Coma (I love it, I was a few times on concerts and it was really good) Piżdżama Porno, Natural Dread Killaz.
inactive user
Hey dude... pretty good. Off work for the next two days so can't complain... and you?
inactive user
Do you know Republika? I'm surprised because not many people've heard about the band. I've got all CDs of it. Polish hip hop artist? I recommend for example : O.S.T.R. and donGURALesko
Reply - Conversation - Jan 12, 2010
very well only lithuanian... ;D
inactive user
Hello ;)
hm.. actually I listen mostly U.S. music too, and there are bands like: System Of a Down (my favourite.. I know it's rather metal, but.. ^^) 3 Doors Down, Three Days Grace, Breaking Benjamin, Kings of Leon (because of vocal, cause they have.. hm.. not really complicated music), Creed, Flyleaf, etc
Polish band which I could recommend you are: Dżem, Hey, Coma, TSA, HappySad, Perfect, Pidżama Porno,, Kult , etc etc (I don't listen them all, but they're respectable in Poland)
inactive user
that is her!!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 12, 2009
hahaha well my taste in music is rather eclectic :) thanks :D im pretty bored too its been a boring summer no parties or anything really i went to some shows thats about it and im going to boston next week :D but otherwise i got in trouble and ive had everything put on shut down mode bleh :( so where do you go to college? what are you studying? :)
inactive user
No, it's not perfect ! xD In fact, I'm so embarrassed... Because write in english is difficult and I check every word before sending a message ! =)

But thank you ! ^^
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