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Emilio Santana, 35 y.o.

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 11 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 39.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 19, 2011
and you, send me your videos, i will love to watch!=D
Reply - Conversation - Jul 19, 2011
Haha thaaanks!You have know idea how glad am I.^~
Yes, is my bbf that sometimes help me in the edition. And the first kate apple =] We use one of that big cameras of canon, i have a friend that have one, but when we but on the youtube we need to decrease the quality of the video...In the dream the qualit is terrible cause is we other camera... You understand the advertising about Heraclito? ;)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 18, 2011
if i can find i send you more, here is actually not a video but is some like advertisement that we do about a quote the philosopher Heráclito.
and here is a making of and a commercial about a project of brasil ( has a lot of continuity errors, cause is not the oficial)
and here is an old video about child prostitution
Reply - Conversation - Jul 2, 2011
Yes, i already heard about SAT's think is like this.
Yes, i search and films is a really good option ...I think i am a creative person, and a carrer like that can be amazing for me, and the most importante: i ll enjoy what i ll gonna do. Yes, i ll send you, don't worry, haha. i have other videos and videos like commercials but is in portuguese.. =/
I with the best for you in the university, and hope that everything gonna be alright! ^^
Reply - Conversation - Jun 20, 2011
haha i love work with movies, edit and stuffs like that..^^
But actually i don't know what career i wanna follow, and in one year i need to know, because i need to choose the course i want ( here is like, when we finish school we do a hard test to sign in university..)...So are you in university?
inactive user
I'm totally relaxed. I figured it was more polite courtesy to notify you that I have indeed taken note of your comment about me. And like I said previously, I would have contacted you sooner if you had contacted me directly. But that's your prerogative and you can of course withstand the right to not do so from here on out.
inactive user
Why are you surprised? If someone voices an opinion about me then of course I'm going to voice my own opinion back and reply to it. If that's pedantic, then I'm guilty as charged. All in good jest or not I've taken no offence it, as I feel the comment you left lacked substance for me to take offence to.

I was unaware of your comment. If you had contacted me directly I would have of course replied sooner.
inactive user
To the message you left Dana saying I need to stop drinking the 'hater-ade': it sounds like you need to stop drinking the over zealous pedantic-ade.

inactive user
hehheh, yeah, though arguably not with my grotesque mugshot.

Well, go for it!! The meme starts here.
inactive user
Cheers! Just thought that prism thing was asking for a face splodged over it.

Well, you could always borrow the idea, let's start an Interpals meme, right? : )
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