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Ellen, 33 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 3 of 3.
inactive user
wow oklahoma the Promised INdian land lol. which was then taken away by Andrew jackson.
Wow you do do alot, im not in any club i use to do sports i just mostly do HW, and go the Gym to stay in shape so yea.
word i know what you mean by going online as an escape lol.

well for fun i like to play football aka soccer, Swim, workout, ect. so are you a senior?
inactive user
Hey wow you finaly went on lol. where you from anyways?
nothing much going on just school, woking out ect.
inactive user
Hey there ellen, soo you found me lol. so whats up?
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