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Yeng, 32 y.o.
Mount Airy, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 54.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 6, 2010
hi! Yeng :) how r u?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 21, 2010
Lol. I had so much classes to choose from but none of them I didn't really like. Haha.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 14, 2010
I'm a junior but going to be a senior when summers over. =_= I don't feel excited to be a senior and it' going to be a hard senior year. Lol.

And I'm doing good, too. I haven't been on interpal for a very long time. Ahaha. I've been busy with school and my computer died on my because of viruses so I've been using my brother's computer for a while. XD
inactive user
I'm Nan.what about U?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 10, 2010
I'm doing great! 2nd semester started for me so it's going to be stressful for the next couple weeks and all. Man! It's been a long time since you left a comment. Lol.
inactive user
hehe its ok. its nice to meet you too. so how are you?
inactive user
Hi. My name is Vasiliy.
inactive user
lol as in "boy"?
inactive user
Haha thanks

Anything new boyo?
inactive user
Girl, my dreams sometime dont make sense, but they are simply one of the most creepiest and interesting things I ever seen.

God, there was a time when I was in this Catholic mission on a European mountain town, I was greeted by the Priest and an interesting blond and strongly blue eyed girl. But, there was a problem, the aids that helped in the mission were were turning, they were no longer human. We were trapped in the lobby, the priest dead and the blond girl armed, in the end, the doors smashed open and I awoke.
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