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Crysstall , 40 y.o.
Vilnius, Lithuania [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 199.
inactive user
whats up ?? =]
inactive user
hey how are you? the link didn't work! Merry Christmas :)
inactive user
ha ha you're seriously out of this world !!!! :D
inactive user
ohh i see, it's tuesday now.. im okey about to go buy some christmas presents heh see you later :>
inactive user
Thanks for visiting and your compliment :*
inactive user
hmm i see :P i never been to lithuania either, but latvia&estonia were very very nice !
yeap you should come!
inactive user
ahaha :D definately! but you've never been to finland?
inactive user
haha really?? that's too bad... in here you can do it everywhere
inactive user
ok kool.
inactive user
wasssaapp man??
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