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Jacob Hinman, 31 y.o.

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 63.
inactive user
Hi ^^
how are you?
inactive user
hello XD what is up?
inactive user
hey how are you? i'm emily and i'm from sydney australia :)

hahai see you like music.. you have great taste!
Reply - Conversation - Dec 24, 2009
hey you, long time no speak!
merry christmas, and all. hope you're good :D
Reply - Conversation - Aug 27, 2009
JAKE :D i thought you'd given up on interpals, i was like noooo.. i've lost the jakos! but its all good. wait, your classes sound great! way more interesting than all the english ones. i'd LOVE to do marine biology. do you get to choose your classes and stuff? urm, i start in two weeks. i got my maths GCSE results back today, i got an A :D
Reply - Conversation - Aug 24, 2009
AAAAAAAAAAAAH jakos! i haven't spoken to you in forevverrr. hope you're ok! are you back at school yet? miss you buddddy :(
Reply - Conversation - Aug 22, 2009
Yeah a lot of the people at my school do, which is one of the reasons I don't play. Rugby is more fun anyways.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 17, 2009
i still havent replied properly, :(. how're you doing, jake? hope you're gooooood. watch out for those aliens! hahaha, x x x
Reply - Conversation - Aug 17, 2009
i will reply to your last comment as soon as im online on my laptop, ive been on my phone which is why i havent replied. sorry jakos, i haven't forgotten you :)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 15, 2009
aaah, oh my god! i'm exactly the same. that's so weird, i hate sleeping because i always feel like im missing so much of my life. like, theres so much stuff that i could be doing now! i feel like sleeping is just time wasted. i hate it!
wait wait, you're not allergic to cats aswell as dogs are you? hhm, well i have this grey cat that we got from a rescue centre as a kitten, but it grew up and turned out to be really evil. its like, muscley and catches mice and stuff in the fields behind my house, its weird! but at night, when its tired, its really friendly.. that's the one thats snoring. and then, i have two that my mum bought me as kittens on my 5th birthday, so they're almost 11 years old now! they're both tabby cats, and ones REAAAAL fat, and the other one's real hyper. OH and my neighbour has a siamese cat, and it has cross eyes! its really funny. that thrown idea is a great! im going to have to draw up some designs and post them on interpals, hahahahaha! you should too, what with your artistic skills and all. my ET impression is great! you'd love it!
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