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Belgin, 32 y.o.
İzmir, Turkey [Current City]

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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 14 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 87.
inactive user
Fine thanks....
How about u?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 29, 2010
i'm good about you?
inactive user
fine and how are you?
inactive user
no i dont have msn.
i think we just talking like this :D
inactive user
yeh, I know your nation.

but not detail.

So, r u studying English in ur Univ?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 28, 2010
I'm fine.
inactive user
fine, u?
inactive user
No i'm not a doctor k k

I live in Korea ad 24years old in Korea age.
also i'm student.
but i'm a student on a leave of absence.
Maybe next year, i have to back to my school :p
inactive user
Hello :D

I'm good today.
how about u?
are u good?
inactive user
hi ;)
good thanx ! and what about you ?
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