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Bass_zaa_555, 30 y.o.
Hat Yai, Thailand [Current City]

Looking for


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 9 of 9.
inactive user
hello =D
Reply - Conversation - Apr 12, 2010
Hello Bass I'm Ellei :)
Reply - Conversation - Oct 24, 2009
thanks for your coment
Reply - Conversation - Oct 24, 2009
hi bass im samantha that sounds like a nice place! what countries are you near
Reply - Conversation - Oct 24, 2009
"sorry, i don't talk to people with no photo or profile."

I second this. You have no profile, I am not your penpal simply because you left me a wall comment, you did not send me any letter, you have no way of sending me any photos (thank goodness, I don't need more spam thanks), and I really don't care that you purportedly had to leave off writing to go play. Please don't spam people, and if you're trying to make genuine friends, then fill in your freaking profile and actually talk to them for real!
Reply - Conversation - Oct 23, 2009
hey bass!!!
im Isabel!; im mexican-american,indian, and german! i don't know alot of spanish,but i do know enough to say full sentance!=]
i don't speak german, and i can't understand it either!=[ i live in the U.S! its a really great place 2 live in!=] i live in a state called "Michigan", that state is so "boring" 2 live in!!=/....there's stuff you can do here,but very little....oh, i forgot, im 15 too!!
Reply - Conversation - Oct 23, 2009
Hey Bass

Well. This isn´t really a mail. It´s more of a wall message. But it´s fine.

No rush for that pic. I can see you on your profile. But thanks for describing yourself anyway.

I live in Venezuela. It´s a country in the northern part of South America, right next to Colombia and Brasil. Right here where I live, temperature doesn´t go higher than 35 Celsius, and right now it´s 18 celsius in my room. And I´d really like it if it were a little bit colder. 13 C is my favorite weather.

So there you go. If you wanna add me go ahead and do so. It would be better if you send messages instead of wall posts though. It´s easier to keep track that way
Reply - Conversation - Oct 22, 2009
my e-mail [email protected]
Reply - Conversation - Oct 22, 2009
sorry, i don't talk to people with no photo or profile.
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